
Our medical center features a state-of-the-art Signa Pioneer 3 Tesla MRI machine, known for its superior research capabilities, imaging quality, and reliability.. The Signa Pioneer system can be used to carry out an examination a variety of clinical areas, including neurology and neurosurgery, oncology, urology and gynecology, angiology, abdominal and orthopedic examinations, and whole-body examinations.

Signa Pioneer 3T

What are the advantages of the Signa Pioneer 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner:

  • Our SIGN Pioneer 70 cm wide bore system was designed to provide more space and helps lower anxiety in patients Soothing Silence.
  • Thanks to SilentScan that is both revolutionary and proprietary, the SIGNA™ Pioneer reduces dB levels from an ear-splitting, motorcycle-level 91dB to within 3dB of scan room ambient noise.
  • Thanks to Motion-free and Breath-free technology, you do not need to hold your breath when scanning a number of areas, such as the abdominal cavity.
  • In addition, patients don't need to be completely immobilized in the device, which can be burdensome, especially for those in pain. In addition to accommodating larger patients, full 50x50x48cm field of view (FOV) in a 70cm wide bore allows you to properly image off-center anatomy such as shoulders and hips.
  • Advanced TDI technology. (Total Digital Imaging), means greater clarity and increased SNR (signal-to-noise-ratio) by up to 25%.
  • Ultra-thin sections and SIGNA Works software provide high resolution and clarity of anatomical images.
  • The tomograph is equipped with a complete set of RF coils for examining all anatomical areas, including a coil for examining the mammary glands.

Our medical center